Monday, February 3, 2014

The Wanderings of Dionysus

Dionysus was part of a strict cult that made him go around and teach his followers how to cultivate vines. While he was on his journey traveling back to Thebes, Greek he was spotted by Pirates. The Pirates saw him as a rich young man and decided to capture him.  The pirates then attempted to tie Dionysus to their ship, but every time a rope touched him, it fell apart. Confused, the pirates ordered the crew to set sail, but the ship would not move. Dionysus was using his powers as a god to grow vines and tie the ship down. Dionysus then turned into a lion and chased the crew members overboard where they all turned into dolphins. He then continued on to Thebes staying along the shore line and spreading his religion along the way. When Dionysus and his followers reached Thebes they refused him and his celebrating soldiers because they were too loud and imprisoned them all. Dionysus proved to Pentheus that he was right and that he was a god and this showed enough evidence to get his followers released. To revenge Pentheus Dionysus and his followers saw him as a mountain lion and ripped his head off along with his limps.

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