Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dionysus Description

         I am Dionysus, I am the son of Zues and Semele, who was a mortal. Ever since I was born I have been the god of the grape harvest, wine and winemaking. All of my culture and background has been taught to me by Greek Mythology. When my father cheated on my mother with another women to have me things did not go so well. I was transferred into my father to be born. When I was born no one wanted, or needed me, so my genius "mom" decided to get other gods to tear me to bits, but to save me from that I was forced to turn into a girl, and then a ram.


  1. wow, good job on the 1st person point of view and i liked your sarcasm. Mabye a little more info, but otherwise it was great

  2. I really liked your humor in this, I learned a lot from reading it but I was wishing for more information! Maybe adding more about after the "tore into bits, turned into a girl" part.
